Storing Ginger
After you have harvested your ginger, the rhizomes should be washed and air-dried, after which they will be ready for use. It is important to store it correctly, and there are a few different ways, depending on what you plan to do with it.
Taking to the market
If you are planning to sell the ginger fresh, it is important to know that ginger will stay fresh and crisp for only a few days (HOW MANY?). Therefore, it is best to have as little time as possible between the harvesting and the selling, storing it in at a temperature between 60 and 65F.
Cooking, Pickling, or Candying
If ginger is refrigerated, it becomes rubbery, and the longer it stays in the fridge, the more rubbery it will get. Luckily, this is not an issue when it comes to cooking with it. Therefore, if you are storing your ginger for cooking (or plan to sell to someone who will use it for cooking), keep the ginger refrigerated at 34-45F.
“Fresh” frozen ginger
Ginger can be stored in the freezer to use later in place of fresh ginger. It is also a great way to store it if you are not able to sell it all right away – frozen ginger will keep for (HOW LONG?). Unfortunately though, frozen ginger can’t be used for pickling or candying. (WHY?)
Quick note on Baby Ginger
The bud scales on Baby Ginger are initially bright pink, but over time will turn purple and become harder. This process will happen even faster if refrigerated (AS OPPOSED TO FREEZING?). If you notice this happening, make sure to pick off any scales that have hardened before using the ginger.
Try to keep the field heat out of your ginger post harvest. If cutting tops off prior to harvest, use the foliage to cover the harvested rhizomes in the field container. Or, if leaving tops on post harvest, cover with damp cloth in field until the ginger can be taken to a shaded wash station. This will prolong the life of your ginger in post harvest.